Sul confine tra Namibia e Angola,
vivono queste persone dalla cultura
complicata.E dal grande senso estetico.
Le donne passano ore a dipingersi di rosso.
Nulla nelle loro acconciature è casuale.
Tutto ha un significato: maschio,femmina,
sposata,non sposata,figli si,figli no...
E le donne hanno un'autonomia sicuramente
maggiore che non in società che noi consideriamo
più "evolute".
---On the border between Namibia and Angola,
live theese Persons.
A very complicated culture.
A great sense of beauty:the women spend
ours to paint and wear jewels,difficult
to see them before 10 o'clock.
And everything in their hairstyle has
a meaning.
And (small surprise) women are more and more
free to decide about their lives than in other
cultures.Example:your husband drinks too much?
Ok,you say it to him,two times,on third you take your
things and you go back home,and the marriage has finished...
And all the Group will agree with you,saying you are right.
2 commenti:
This is another great series of the photos! It looks like some kind of jewels review. The photos really are very beautiful and interesting and also the story that goes with photos.
Interesting post, and photo set. Thanks for sharing, Anna :)
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