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martedì 9 dicembre 2008

LilacBreasted Rollers

Coracias caudata
Non esiste un nome italiano.
Bellissimi e comunissimi.
Una gioia per gli occhi qaundo si incontrano.
---Beautiful and very common birds.
A real joy for our eyes to meet them.

4 commenti:

Unknown ha detto...

They are as beautiful as their Indian counterparts. Well done

Anonimo ha detto...

hi there ! As we will be travelling to South Africa in a couple of weeks, i can really enjoy your pics :-) Thank you !

SAPhotographs (Joan) ha detto...

Lovely photography of one of my favourite birds Andrea. I love to watch when they catch insects in the air.

myonlyphoto ha detto...

Wow these are such a pretty birds, never knew they existed. Wow again. Excellent photo. Anna :)