Elephantulus brachyrhyncus
Povero animaletto,che brutto nome.
In effetti lo chiamano Topo Elefante.
Per il naso,non perchè è grande (10 cm).
Io l'ho trovato decisamente carino,anche se
difficile da fotografare:salta incessantemente...
---Poor small animal,what a bad name.
It's better the common name:Elephant Mouse.
For the nose,not because it's big (10 cm).
I found it funny,and difficult to photograph:
it jumps and jumps and jumps...
8 commenti:
This has got to be one of the cutest little fellows around Andrea. I always think they look so funny with that long snout. You really managed to get some great pics of them considering the difficulty. Excellent!!
LOL, that is such a cute little animal~! I wish I had one for a pet :O)
What a cute little mouse with a long nose. You did good to capture this jumpy little creature.
Very cute animal...Lovely photographs...
I've never seen this cute animal here in India!
Nice post!!!
Andrea, da lungo tempo tra la fotografia e la fotografia non è venuta a trovarti, mi piace la tramoggia poco, lui è simpatico. Come sempre le tue foto sono grandi, mi dà l'emozione dell'incontro con il selvatico.
Un abbraccio fraterno e grazie per avermelo ricordato, con le vostre visite al mio blog
What an amazing blog and fantastic capture. Thanks for commenting on mine. I am so happy you did, because that brought me to these wonderful photos and interesting descriptions. I have never seen a Short-Snouted Elephant Shrew. In fact, I had never heard of one. I will add you to my list of blogs that I follow. And, thank you for posting in two languages:)
I came here from Joan's site....that is very cute and unusual!
I simply love elephant shrews; they're so cute! Thanks for sharing its beautiful picture :)
Nature is So Beautiful
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