Eravamo accampati a Polentswa nel Kalahari ed avevamo appena
finito di fare colazione,al sorgere del sole.
E qui accadde un fatto molto strano.
Due leonesse ci passarono vicine,non ci degnarono di
uno sguardo e si diressero verso la tenda dei nostri
vicini:due ragazzi sudafricani.
Lì giunte,gli rubarono un materassino e iniziarono
a giocare come due gattine.
E se lo portarono pure via,lontano,nel deserto...
---We were camping in Polentswa in Kalahari and we
had just finished breakfast,while the sun was lighting
the dunes.
And here happened something very strange.
Two lionesses passed very close to us,without
watching us at all.
They went to the tent of a couple of southafricans
and they took a small mattress from them.
Then they began to play like kittens.
And they finally run away with this mattress,
away in the desert...
9 commenti:
LOL!! What a funny experience Andrea. I am sure everyone was frozen on the spot. Glad the lions did not eat anyone. :)
Fantastic experience and pictures. Thank you for sharing.
Andrea, oh boy this is funny experience, lol, run away with the matters, lol. Anna :)
Andrea: That is really neat with great photos. I guess a cat is a cat at times. Dropped over from Joan's site.
Wow, what an amazing and scary thing to see happen.
A horrible experience at the time of happening and of course fun after that.
Glad it turned out to be a funny experience when it could have gone the other way. Giant kittens at heart. I love to look into my cats(6 of them) eyes and think of the big cats of Africa. Stopped by from SAphotographs.
I really like the photos and think the lions stole the mattress because of the color or stripes are somewhat like a zebra. Or is there some other reason?
Stopped in from Joan's blog.
This is absolutely great! :-)
What interesting story! What unforgetable experience; it could have been really dangerous! Fortunately only mattress got into trouble.
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