Butorides rufiventris
Girando per l'africa si resta spesso
stupiti nel vedere animali assolutamente
somiglianti ai nostri.Questo è un esempio.
---While you travel in africa is very
common to see animals absolutely similar
to the ones you see at home.This is an example.
6 commenti:
Spectacular picture. Diane
Maggnífica e imponente foto. Gostei muito. Abraço
Lovely details, Composition wise I would have preferred more space in front of the Heron...Thomas
While I was in Cape Town I saw one of these birds grab a duckling flew off with it and eat it now they are not my favorite anymore :(
Oh wow!! What a beautiful picture Andrea. I love the whole heron family and love to watch them fishing.
He looks so intent and focused. Great shot!
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