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martedì 15 novembre 2011

Un Piccolo Leone - A Small Lion

Panthera leo

Il titolo:ho scritto "piccolo leone"
e non cucciolo per un motivo.
Quando ho scattato ho visto una luce nei suoi
occhi.Una luce che preannunciava cosa sarebbe
diventato da grande.Appariva sanissimo e grassottello
e la sua mamma era giovane e in perfette condizioni
fisiche:le sue probabilità di crescere sano parevano
piuttosto alte.E allora...
---About the title:I wrote "small lion",not cub,for
a reason.When I shot this picture I saw a light into
its eyes.A light announcing what it will be in the
next years.It was fat and healthy and its mother
was young and in perfect physical conditions:
its possibilities to grow up were,in my opinion,
high enough.And then...

1 commento:

Diane ha detto...

It is certainly looking at you out of the corner of his eye, I wonder what was going through its mind......:) Diane