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sabato 19 gennaio 2013

The Spotted Eagle Owl

Bubo africanus
Decisamente grande:equivale al nostro Gufo reale.
Comune:lo abbiamo visto molte volte,ma rami e rametti hanno fatto strage
del mio autofocus.
--- Very big: it is very similar to the european king owl.
Really common:we saw it many times,but leaves and branches "killed"
my autofocus.

2 commenti:

Diane ha detto...

Our house just outside Joburg was double storey and outside one of the windows we had a huge thorn tree. An eagle owl used to roost there during the day for many months. It was a pleasure to see it there. Lovely photos and thanks for the memories. Keep warm, Diane

Thomas ha detto...

Beautiful portraits of the Eagle Owl