La mattina,prima di uscire dal Parco
decidemmo di fare un piccolo giro.
Solo due ore,tanto per non arrivare
all'aeroporto troppo presto.
Trovammo due Elefantesse a lato
della strada,per un ultimo saluto.
---On the last day,before leaving
the park,we decided to make a small
game drive:just two hours,because we
didn't want to arrive at the airport
too early.
And we found two "Big Ladies" for a
last goodbye.
4 commenti:
Andrea beautiful pictures, elephants were always my favorite one. Anna :)
What a wonderful goodbye it was too Andrea. I love the elphants and never get tired of seeing them. They are so big and yet in many ways so graceful and silent. Beautiful pictures of them.
Thank you, Andrea, these are lovely pictures! Elephants are among my favorite animals -- they always seem to have such intelligence and gentleness in their eyes. I've never seen wild ones. What an experience that must be!
These photos are just amazing!
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