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sabato 10 settembre 2011


Il più grande Parco Nazionale
dello Zimbabwe.Enorme e poco visitato.
Una vita selvatica ricchissima e varia.
Si dice che ci siano 50.000 elefanti.
--- The biggest Zimbabwe National Park.
Wide and not so visited.
Here you can find a very rich and different wildlife.
They say here you can find about 50.000 elephants.

5 commenti:

Diane ha detto...

I used to visit there quite often, I just wonder if the animal population is as high now as it was then!! Diane

SAPhotographs (Joan) ha detto...

I could sit all day at a lookout like this and watch them. Seems very dry there with no water?

Andrea ha detto...

Joan: not so much water indeed.
You could find water only in the artificial waterholes.

Tatjana Parkacheva ha detto...

Beautiful photography.

Regards and best wishes

SAPhotographs (Joan) ha detto...

Like here, I hope we get some rain soon or else things will just die off like last year and that will make me sad.