Pterocles burchelli
La foto è lungi dall'essere perfetta.
Ma è l'unica che sono riuscito a fare.
Non è un uccello raro,ma si nasconde
nell'erba alta e vederlo è molto difficile.
---The picture is far from to be perfect.
But it's my only one.
It's not a rare bird,but normally it's
hidden in the tall grass and it's very
difficult to see it.
6 commenti:
It is amazing how well they blend in to their background. Most times you do not notice them until they fly up in front of you.
Like the Francolins these fellas are perfectly camouflaged. Don't worry Andrea, you will get them next time around. I got my Francolin shots after almost 5 attempts.
Beautifully photographed!
Forehead Stamp
This Bird does have beautiful markings on it I think it's a good capture :)
Still you were able to capture the whole body. Looks like you got some big birds running around. Anna :)
Bellas tus imágenes de animales.
Gracias por tus visitas.
Un abrazo,
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