Raphicerus campestris
Una piccolissima antilope,circa 50 cm,
solitaria o in coppia.
Timidissima,spesso vicino a cespugli
o nell'erba alta.
---A very small antelope,about 50 cm,
alone or in couple.
Very shy,you can see it nearby bushes
or in tall grass.
6 commenti:
Andrea : The behavior of this beauty is similar to the Barking Deer found in India.
I like this shot a lot thanks to you including the hsbitat in it as well.
I would love to have a pair of these in my garden. They are so beautiful Andrea.
Gracious antelope appearance behind the high dry grass. What an impressive sight!
Andrea so cute, lol, really, those ears and eyes. Anna :)
You have photographed this beautiful creation of GOD so nicely. Very impressive.
Moon and Sun in One Photograph
What a capture!
Awesome photo, fun to watch. Keep them coming :)
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